Sue Bell Yank and Laura Zucker
Cross Sector for the Arts is taught by Laura Zucker who is extraordinarily knowledgeable about public and community-based art: what it is, the importance of it, and making it work. I was one of the speakers today for the topic, Arts + Environment, at Lewis McAdams Riverfront Park, and a highlight for me was the opportunity to hear Executive Director of Clockshop, Sue Bell Yank, speak about the 100-Acre Park Partnership and the People's Kite Festival coming up on Saturday, May 21, 2022. Clockshop presents inventive approaches to problem-solving. Positive, truly community driven, and environmentally important. Check it out on their website-link here
@lazucker @cbmarts_cgu @clockshopla #community #environmentart #inspired_action
@lazucker @cbmarts_cgu @clockshopla #community #environmentart #inspired_action