Abeles’ journals, artists books and process documents are archived at the Center for Art + Environment, Nevada Museum of Art, Reno, Nevada. Her work is in the following museum and public collections. You can link here to the archive for Abeles environmental work at the Center for Art + Environment.
Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles
Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Berkeley Art Museum, Berkeley, CA
National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, Richmond, VA
California African American Museum, Los Angeles
United States Information Agency
Arizona State University Art Museum, Phoenix, AZ
Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, NY
University of California, Santa Barbara
The Banff Centre for the Arts Library Collection, Banff, Alberta, Canada
Museum of Modern Art Library Collection, NYC
Langson Institute and Museum of California Art, University of California, Irvine
Los Angeles County Arts Commission and the LA County Mental Health Department
Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio
Clarence Ward Art Library, Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio (Special Collections)
Sandwell Community History and Archives, U.K.
Center for Art + Environment, Nevada Museum of Art, Reno, NV
Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, Los Angeles
City of Santa Monica, Santa Monica, CA
Yucun Art Museum, Suzhou, China
Natural History Museum, Los Angeles
California State University Art Museum, Long Beach, CA
Orange County Museum of Art, Newport Beach, CA
Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE
Washington-Jefferson College, Washington, PA
Otis College of Art and Design, Los Angeles
California Bureau of Automotive Repair, Sacramento, CA
Palm Springs Desert Museum, Palm Springs, CA
City of Los Angeles
California Science Center, Los Angeles
Laguna Art Museum, CA
Pomona College Museum of Art, Pomona, CA
Occidental College, Los Angeles
San Jose Museum, CA
Lux Art Institute, Encinitas, CA
NYC Cooper-Hewitt Publication Design Collection, Smithsonian Institution Library, NYC
Los Angeles County Arts Commission (LACAC) and Los Angeles County Mental Health Department; LACAC and National Park Service along with LA County Fire

Abeles working on the 20' x 10' ellipse created with global skies printed on aluminum and then woven together. The final piece is suspended from the ceiling at the YMCA in Koreatown-Los Angeles along with a legend of the sky locations and photographers. (permanent installation completed in 2014)
Public Art and Community Commissions
Citizen Seeds
This permanent public art will be installed this fall along the Park to Playa Trail. The six sculptures will be placed along the entrance at Stocker Corridor and eastern section located near Kenneth Hahn Park, and along the trail to the Scenic Overlook near Culver City. The entire Park to Playa Trail is a 13-mile series of connected trails and extends to the Pacific Ocean. The area where Abeles' sculptures will be placed includes a new walk bridge that crosses over La Cienega Boulevard. This project is funded by Los Angeles County Arts and Culture.

Valises for Camp Ground: Arts, Corrections and Fire Management
This project is funded through the National Endowment for the Arts, LA County Arts Commission, administered by the Armory Center for the Arts, and facilitated by the National Park Service, Department of Corrections, and the County Fire Department. Link to the section about the valises
Walk a mile in my shoes
Commissioned by City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs and Bureau of Engineering Repurposed traffic medians at Martin Luther King Jr Blvd/Rodeo Rd and Jefferson Blvd/Rodeo Rd
Shared Skies
Administered by the Community Redevelopment Agency Anderson Munger Family YMCA, Los Angeles; Roger Chikhani, AIA, Luckman Partnership
Woven Hands (Community Mental Health)
Commissioned and in the permanent collection of the Los Angeles County Arts Commission and the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health
Current location site: Kedren Community Health Center
Commissioned by the Los Angeles Unified School District
Library entrance of the Robert F Kennedy Community Schools; Ambassador Hotel historical site
Gonzalez Goodale Architects
Paper Person and Citywide Smog Collectors
Commissioned and in the permanent collection of the California Science Center, LA
The Golden Mile
Funded by The Public, West Midlands, UK and the Arts Council England
Thru the Earth
Funded through the School Beautification Program, Community Magnet School, Bel Air, California
The Importance of Objects (The Natural History Museum Collection)
Commissioned by the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
Rotunda Mapping and Valley Storybenches
Commissioned by City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs
Marvin Braude San Fernando Valley Constituent Service Center, Van Nuys, CA
Located in the hardscape plaza designed by Rios Associates
Illuminated Fig Leaves
Funded by Percent for Art Program City of Pasadena
Located on the Marrriott Hotel and Armory Center for the Arts, Pasadena, CA
From Your Seat, Sidewalk Medallions, and Hill Street Time Keeper
Commissioned by MTA, Metro Art, Los Angeles
Located in the Grand Central Market Court by Suissman Urban Design; and along Hill St. sidewalks
Reason, Imagination and Memory and Literary Lanterns
Commissioned by the City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs
Panorama City Public Library, California; Reibsamen, Nickels and Rex Architects
On-site Smog Collector Sculptures
Commissioned by the California Bureau of Automotive Repair, Department of Consumer Affairs
Sculptures and touring exhibit to encourage Smog Checks and Rideshare. Original venues included California Museum of Science and Industry, Olvera Street, California Museum of Photography, Cabrillo Marine Museum, L.A. Arboretum, Calif. State University Fullerton, Feldheym Library