Today, March 6 at 2pm A Conversation on the Fture Generations Ride

This is a series of discussions between some of the riders and originators of the Oomaka Tokatakiya, Future Generations Ride — a continuation of the original Si Tanka Wokiksuye, also known as the Big Foot Memorial Ride, a nearly 300-mile memorial horseback ride across the South Dakota winter.
This first panel includes Elston Yellow Earrings, Allen Flying By, Nina Schumacher, and Marvin Goings, all riders with at least a decade of experience on the ride. They will share stories of the ride, stories of resilience and perseverance, and how the ride to Wounded Knee has had a lasting effect on their lives.
Panelist Bios:
Nina Schumacher is from Timber Lake on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation. Her Lakota name is “Ta Sunka Ska Win”, White Horse Woman, a name given to her at ceremony by elders after watching her ride her white horse for six years, and cooking for ten years on the Big Foot Ride. Her 5 children have been on the ride, and she has become Mamma Nina to many of the youth on the ride. She is currently a teacher at the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Head Start at Timber Lake.
Elston Yellow Earrings is from Rock Creek on the Standing Rock Nation. He works with local youth of all ages as a coach and a paraprofessional. In 2004 he started his sobriety by going on memorial rides: the Chief’s, Big Foot, and the Greasy Grass Rides. Through ceremonies and riding horse he has been sober for quite some time. He has two children who he hopes to ride with in the future.
Allen Flying By is sixty-five years old and was born in the Lakota language and culture. He learned from his grand and great grandparents who lived and knew the oral history and traditions of the Lakota people.
Marvin Goings is a founding member of Slim Buttes Riders, a youth & family oriented riders group, out of Slim Buttes, SD., located on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.
Virtual Exhibition:
To see the exhibit 300 Miles to Wounded Knee: The Oomaka Tokatakiya, Future Generations Ride virtually link here
There are five online public programs.
All events are free and open to the public.