Valises in California Curriculum

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Many thanks to Carrier Shell Curriculum and Editor Christine Echeverri for including "Valises for Camp Ground" in the publication, California Collage, a Reader for the California history curriculum student book, California Out of the Box. The Reader "explores California's history, geography, flora, and fauna through selected works of story and nonfiction". It's an engaging set of publications for grades 3-6!

Link to the publisher

Valises for Camp Ground: Arts, Corrections and Fire Management in the Santa Monica Mountains, Abeles in collaboration with Camp 13, a group of female prison inmates who fight wildfires. Ten sculptural valises used in the public realm to teach about wildfire prevention. Funded by the National Endowment for the Arts, Los Angeles County Arts Commission, and led by The Armory Center for the Arts at Conservation Camp 13. Additional agencies involved include Los Angeles County Fire, National Park Service, and California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (2017-18)

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