Kim Abeles: Smog Collectors, 1987-2020
University Library Gallery at Sacramento State
Jan 31–May 20, 2023
Artist talk Wednesday, Feb 15 Noon-1pm at the Cottonwood Suite, The Union, 2nd Floor

Exhibition Reception Thursday, Feb 16 5-8pm at the University Library Gallery
Exhibition hours: Tuesday-Friday, 10am-4pm
Saturday, Noon-4pm
Kim Abeles makes art about pollution from pollution. Presenting the first in-depth survey of Abeles’ Smog Collectors series, the exhibition features over thirty years of her artistic investigations related to the environmental impact caused by airborne particulates.
Online presentation for Wesleyan College
Feb. 15th at 7pm EST

Abeles' online presentation for Wesleyan College is part of the series, Art of Empathy, "where we look at how empathy
can be used as a tool to deepen understanding and connection. I think your work really resonates with these concepts."
The zoom presentation will be recorded and archived on the Wesleyan website.

Online presentation with WEAD - Women Eco Artists Dialog - with their series Art + Activism
KIM ABELES-Art as a Tool
Sunday, Feb 26, 2023 5-6:00 pm PT
Abeles will talk about her survey exhibition at CSU Sacramento, “Kim Abeles: Smog Collectors, 1987-2020”. NEA-funded projects involved a residency at the Institute of Forest Genetics; and Valises for Camp Ground in collaboration with Camp 13, a group of female prison inmates who fight wildfires. Permanent outdoor works include sculptural Citizen Seeds along the Park to Playa Trail in Los Angeles, and Walk a Mile in My Shoes, based on the shoes of the Civil Rights marchers and local activists.

Exhibition curated by Lucinda Luvaas for LA Artcore @ Union Center for the Arts March 4 - April 9, 2023
120 Judge John Aiso Street, Los Angeles, CA, 90012
Gallery Hours: Thursday - Sunday, 12 - 4 pm