New books are ready in the Quarantine Library, a collaboration produced by Katie Garth and Tracy Honn since May 2020. This is such an innovative project of artist's books -- browse through pages or freely download and assemble. I love the way the book folds are designed for assembly (a bit of magic to it!) and a very clear tutorial to boot!
They sent me the link to my book but I know you'll enjoy looking through more of their library. Link here
My contribution to the library, "Like or As", is a series of paintings based on the metaphors found in Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle". In a very public way his 1906 novel exposed the conditions for the working poor of Chicago's meatpacking factories. He powerfully revealed issues about labor and the class system, though the political influence of the book focused on unsafe food practices. Each person in Congress was sent a copy of the book, and the public outcry pushed Congress and President Roosevelt to pass the Pure Food and Drug Act, and the Meat Inspection Act.
The first paintings of "Like or As" were part of another truly innovative project called, Shelved Art, by Lorri Deyer and NewTown. They placed art cards in books at the Pasadena Public Libraries for readers to keep. Funded by Pasadena Arts and Culture Commission. (2015)